21 October, 2008

Comfort zone

Have you ever watched a bubble float around aimlessly in the sky? It's oblivious to the world, doing it's own little thing. It doesn't have a purpose or a goal. It just floats there, useless, until the world reaches out and touches it. Suddenly, it pops - it just can't take the pressure.
I've been homeschooled all my life, and my mom has always been standing right there beside me. I've never had to stand up to a bully. I've never had to be alone, without someone to back me up. And so I get scared. I get scared of the stupidest things, like walking into Walmart alone, or even giving my order to a waitress. I've built a wall around myself, and I'm terrified of what's on the other side.
This bubble I've trapped myself in is my "comfort zone". It's what I'm good with happening, it's what I'm good with doing. It's where I can lean back and relax. It's pure selfishness, really. I'm saying "no" to what other people (and God) need me to do, just because I'm not comfortable doing it.
When Jesus called his disciples to Him, it wouldn't have been easy to follow. They would have to step outside their comfort zones. Do you think they thought, What will my neighbors think of me? or, How in Israel am I going to support my family? They had to trust in God instead of themselves. That took faith. That took them outside of their comfort zone.
Even Jesus had to stride out of his comfort zone. It wasn't easy to leave behind a crown in Heaven, or to be humbled to human flesh. But he chose love over comfort. He did it to glorify God. And that's the whole reason we were put on this Earth in the first place, isn't it? To bring glory to God's name.
So, it's your decision. You can push yourself now in the easy things, so that when God calls you to bigger things you'll be ready. Or you can be like the rest of the world. Comfortable, but useless.

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